A home, or domicil, is a structure or dwelling space typically used as either a temporary or permanent residence, usually for an entire family, an individual family, business, community or group of individuals in a group. In the United States, homes are generally built on a lot with a foundation and some sort of wall attached. However, a domicil may be built on a variety of different types of dwellings, including a boat, a trailer, a tent, an RV, and even on an airplane.
Domiciles can vary greatly in their size, style, design, cost and location. Depending on the purpose of the domicile and its construction, the domicile can be in a variety of different locations, which may vary from rural locations to urban locations, and even between the United States and other countries. Typically, homes are built either on the property itself or in a structure of some kind that is attached to the land. Homes may be self-sufficient, which means that they have all their own appliances and furnishings, although in some cases, homes may use a community center as part of the domicile’s foundation.
Dictates and statutes govern the building, location and maintenance of domiciles. Generally, the laws governing domiciles allow for the right of occupancy to be shared by multiple persons. Additionally, there is often an ownership structure, which means that each person in the domiciles has a certain amount of share in the domiciles’ upkeep. A domicile must also be maintained at a certain standard, which can include a zoning system, a building code, rules concerning electrical outlets and plumbing, and general sanitation. Although these rules are designed to maintain the health and safety of all residents, they are not always in line with the individual preferences of each resident.
Because of the physical boundaries of domiciles, they may be built on a property line, which means that they are directly on top of the actual property line, but the residence may be a few feet away from the property line. If you were to build your home on top of a home, then, in many cases, the home would not be considered a home. This is referred to as an accessory dwelling. In order to make this clear, domiciles must comply with all laws concerning their proximity to a home, although in some cases there may be a small island in between the two properties that allow for two homes to be built on it. If the home is built on top of a home, it will be a traditional domicile.
The laws that pertain to the placement of a domicile can vary greatly from state to state, as well as from the city where you live, and will often come under the jurisdiction of the Home Owners Association, also known as HOAs. In most states, it is necessary to have a HOA in place before a domicile can be erected on your property in order to allow for a community to be set up around the home. Home Owners Associations are required to follow regulations set forth by the state. In some cases, such as with mobile homes and boats, HOAs may not be legally binding, however, HOAs in place are sometimes essential to prevent disputes that can arise between the occupants of the domiciles.
An HOA is an agreement among the owners of a domicile that limits the movement of the residence within the area. While mobile or RV dwellers and those who own an RV are often not subject to an HOA, they are still responsible for maintaining the structure and the areas surrounding it. Some cities and towns require the RV dweller to leave their domiciles within the city and park on a property line for their personal safety. When you build a home on your property, you need to check with your local authorities to find out what the laws are in your location. For more information on what the laws are in your area, contact the local government office or an attorney specializing in law.